Wingstop Charities Gives Back to Education During Pandemic
Wingstop Charities is committed to investing in the communities that we serve, and the most impactful way we can combat social injustices is to identify organizations that align with our mission.

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced challenges for education (especially at-risk communities), and that’s why we’ve been working tirelessly to support the following organizations:
· Barbershop Books: Barbershop Books’ mission is to inspire children – specifically young black boys – to identify as readers. Only two percent of educators are black male, so many boys have never seen a black man read. The program creates child-friendly spaces in male-centered spaces (barbershops) to give young boys relevant role models and a curated selection of engaging, funny, relevant books. They are also launching a sister program in beauty shops.
· Educational First Steps: The mission of Educational First Steps (EFS) is to create and support high-quality early learning environments that ignite the minds of children from birth to age five. They provide high-quality, high-impact care to children in under-resourced areas, elevating the educational experience for children in high-poverty communities. Through this partnership with early childcare providers, Educational First Steps seeks to help at-risk children overcome generational poverty and experience an equal opportunity for success.
· Cristo Rey Fort Worth: Cristo Rey Fort Worth is a private high school serving young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service. Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, the school works hard to ensure their students succeed in college and life. Obviously with the pandemic, there is concern for how students carry on their work remotely. Therefore, Wingstop donated 59 laptops to help with this process.
· Genesis Women’s Shelter: Genesis provides quality safety and shelter to battered women and their children in the greater Dallas area. They currently have onsite classrooms for the children, and Wingstop donated 10 laptops to help reduce their staff/child ratios in response to COVID-19.